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在任何执法人员可以访问互联网的地方,都可以使用治安官认证在线培训(PATROL). 管理人员可以随时参加课程,以获得满足继续教育要求和行业要求的学分.

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Course Catalog

所有课程都提供明尼苏达州邮政委员会在职学习目标规定的培训,并有资格获得1个邮政学分. Browse all course offerings below.


Serving Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Part 1

This course will provide you with a foundational understanding of autism, 为您进一步研究与频谱患者安全有效互动的策略和实践做好准备.

Serving Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Part 2

Learn to understand how demographic differences may result in some people being more disadvantaged by autism than others; and learn use strategies and practices that promote safe, effective, and positive outcomes in situations involving persons with ASD.

Serving Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Part 3

Prepare to conduct safe and effective interventions in crisis situations involving people with autism, and to promote their wellbeing by working in partnership with caregivers and families.

Serving Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Part 4

This course will prepare you to use strategies and practices that promote safe, effective, 在特定的通话类型和涉及自闭症谱系障碍的执法接触中取得了积极的结果.

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Conflict Management and Mediation

Persuasion and De-escalation


Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy


True North Constitutional Policing (5-Part Course) 

这门课程是建立在所有和平官员都把宪法作为指导行动和决定的真北指南针的愿景之上的. The topics were selected by the court in an effort to bring greater success to law enforcement. (5 Credits)

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Crimes Motivated by Bias 

Crimes Motivated by Bias   

Learn to identify and investigate bias-motivated crimes, and ensure those crimes are accurately reported.

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Crisis & Mental Health Intervention

72-Hour Holds – Update

依法决定拘留精神疾病鉴定、治疗人员, developmental disability, chemical dependency, and intoxication in public.

Best Practices in Mental Health Crisis Response

使警官熟悉安全有效地处理精神健康危机电话的最佳做法, and the emerging expectations as to the use of force in mental health crisis situations.

Mental Health – Part 1/Introduction

This course provides officers with foundational knowledge of mental illness and related issues, and addresses Minnesota POST Crisis Intervention and Mental Illness Learning.

Mental Health – Part 2/Assessment 

这一培训为警官们提供了洞察可能与精神疾病相关的社会和文化挑战的机会, to assist officers in delivering fair and impartial treatment.

Mental Health – Part 3/Intervention 


Mental Health – Part 4/Capstone 


Preventing In-Custody Suicide 

熟悉被逮捕者或囚犯可能有较高自杀风险的警告信号. 课程将提供一些建议,教你如何将被拘留者自杀的风险降到最低.

Wellness and Emotional Resilience – Parts 1 & 2 


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Critical Knowledge

2023 Legislative Update

This course familiarizes officers with new laws following the 2023 legislative session.

Arrest Warrants

Legal training to aid in the lawful execution of arrest warrants.

Civil Matters: Repossession and Eviction

This course will assist officers in recognizing their appropriate role, and avoiding liability, when responding to disputes involving moveable and real property.

Data Practices for Frontline Officers


Duty to Protect

Help officers recognize when they are, and are not, legally obligated to act for the protection of others.

Ethical Use of Computers and Databases


Extreme Risk Protection Orders 

This course will familiarize you with Extreme Risk Protection Orders and your duties relating to them. 

Exigent Circumstances

Information that assists officers in correctly identifying and responding to exigent circumstances.

Firearms – Parts 1 & 2

Equip officers with the information necessary to accurately enforce Minnesota’s firearms laws.

Liability Issues in Emergency Vehicle and Pursuit Operations

帮助警察识别紧急车辆和追捕驾驶情况下,警察的自由裁量权存在, and to exercise that discretion responsibly.

Line of Duty Injuries and Prevention

使警官了解最常导致受伤的执法职责和工作活动, and will provide officers with ideas and strategies for injury reduction.

Misdemeanor Arrests and Stops 

Properly exercise your authority to arrest people and make investigatory stops for misdemeanor offenses.

Narcan Carry and Use 


No-Knock Warrants


Policing Protests


Preventing Harmful Workplace Behaviors

通过提高对有害同事的工作场所行为的认识,营造健康的工作环境, including sexual harassment.

Protecting and Serving the LGBTQ+ Community

This course will help officers build trust with and effectively serve the LGBTQ+ community.

Professional Conduct and Ethics

Familiarize officers with Minnesota’s standards of Professional Conduct for Peace Officers.

Officer Safety Searches

Learn when Terry frisks, vehicle frisks, protective sweeps, and searches incident to arrest are legally justified to protect officer safety.

To Serve, Protect and Document – Part 1

Tips and suggestions for improving the quality of law enforcement reports.

To Serve, Protect and Document – Part 2

Requisite knowledge to prepare high quality narrative reports.

Vehicle Searches

更新你对基于汽车例外的无证车辆搜查的法律标准的知识, the incident-to-arrest exception, and the consent exception to the warrant requirement.

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Diversity & Cultural Differences

Implicit Bias – Part 1


Implicit Bias – Part 2


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AWAIR and Employee Right-to-Know


Bloodborne Pathogens

A detailed examination of bloodborne pathogens, their means of transmission, methods to avoid exposure, and procedures to follow in case of exposure.

Hazardous Materials Awareness Training – Part 1/Level 1 

Level 1 Hazmat Awareness Training course (Part 1). Training at this level is all about being defensive. That is recognizing the presence of a hazardous or dangerous material, protecting yourself, calling for appropriately trained folks to deal with it, and securing the area.

Hazardous Materials Awareness Training – Part 2/Level 2

Level 1 Hazmat Awareness Training course (Part 2). Complete your training as a Level 1 (Awareness) Hazmat Responder.

Hearing Conservation 

Information about occupational exposure to noise, the effect this can have on hearing, and hearing conservation practices.

Lead Awareness 

Information about lead, its uses, and associated health effects of lead generated at the gun range. Also provided are best practices to prevent lead poisoning during practice and qualifying.

Personal Protective Equipment


Personal Protective Equipment

A detailed examination of portable fire extinguisher use by law enforcement.

Respiratory Protection for Law Enforcement


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Use of Force

Use of Force – Part 1: Law and Principles


Use of Force – Part 2: Law and Principles


Use of Force – Part 3: Readiness 


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New course: Protecting and Serving the LGBTQ+ Community. Background image: a business displaying a rainbow flag in their outdoor dining area.