League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust taps Jen Wolf to serve as deputy administrator


The League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) has hired Jen Wolf as its deputy administrator. A newly created position, the deputy administrator will assist LMCIT Administrator Dan Greensweig with overall management and strategic planning for the 1,200-member insurance pool that provides property/casualty and workers’ compensation coverage to cities and other governmental entities across Minnesota.

一位律师, Wolf is joining the LMCIT team after most recently serving as the Civil Division Head of the Dakota County Attorney’s Office, where she provided legal advice on all areas of county operations. She was also previously employed by the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust, where she worked in litigation management and provided risk management advice and training in areas such as employment issues, the Data Practices Act, and the Open Meeting Law. In addition, she has worked for the law firm of Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, and as an assistant city attorney for the City of Bloomington. Wolf holds a law degree from the University of Minnesota.

“We are excited to have Jen on board as part of our leadership team,” said Greensweig. “She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in local government and understands the wide variety of concerns our members face. In her new role as deputy administrator, Jen brings a fresh perspective that will help us anticipate needs and set priorities to guide LMCIT into the future.”