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How Does Your City Conduct Community Surveys?



The City of Warren is a small community in the northwest corner of the state. The city has conducted two community surveys in the past 10 years.

第一次调查, 2013年进行, was part of efforts to develop a comprehensive plan for the city. The Northwest Regional Development Commission created the questions, 解决了住房问题, 业务, 娱乐, 基础设施, and what residents would like to see for Warren’s future.

The surveys were distributed via the United States Postal Service, 当地报纸, 和脸谱网, 回复率是9%, 哪个被认为是非常好的.

A surprisingly common response we received was the desire for a new indoor ice rink. The existing rink was in a building that was beginning to show signs of structural damage. Residents wanted to retain the winter activity in the community. As a result, the Warren Recreation Center opened in December 2018. The survey also showed that there was a desire for the community to have walking paths. In turn, the city has since been constructing walking paths and identifying walking routes.

第二次调查于2019年进行. The questions were similar to the 2013 survey in order to compare responses. A SurveyMonkey survey was linked on the city’s 脸谱网 page, 在当地报纸上登广告, and hard copies of the survey were available at City Hall; only a few paper surveys were completed.

那一次, more open-ended questions were asked to help better understand resident demographics and gather more nuanced and in-depth responses. We received really great feedback from the open-ended questions.

One question asked, “Why did you stay in Warren, if you moved here more than 20 years ago?” Questions also asked for respondents’ age and where they get their information. City leadership has been trying to define how best to reach residents with information.

The feedback received from the 2019 survey helped city leaders understand the need to address residents’ desire for more establishments to socialize, 比如咖啡店和啤酒厂. We also learned that the community still wants more walking paths and more activities at the 娱乐 center.

Warren will likely do another community survey in 2024-25 to pinpoint the desires of a growing community.



Woodbury has conducted a community survey biennially since 1993. 当时我不在市里, the primary goal was to help measure the city’s performance by identifying service areas where it was succeeding and where improvements needed to be made.

The results of the survey serve as a guide to determine resident sentiment about city services, 政策, 和项目. The questions are centered around determining general perceptions of quality of life, 识别城市问题, 公平与包容, 还有社区项目和设施.

The most recent survey conducted in 2022 was contracted in partnership with Polco, 公民参与工具. Some households were mailed a paper copy of the survey to return, and others received a link to complete the survey online. Residents who did not receive an invitation to complete the survey by mail still had an opportunity to make their voice heard via an open participation link. Those results were kept separate from the statistically valid survey, but the feedback was still appreciated and reviewed by city staff.

In 2022, 一张明信片寄给了3个以上的人,000户伍德伯里家庭, 随机选择, notifying residents that they had been chosen to participate in the survey. Information about the survey was also featured in the City Update newsletter, 在社交媒体上, and through the InTouch email notification system.

The feedback is used to determine whether the city is meeting residents’ expectations and identifying areas where improvements could be made. The survey results are also a key component of the Performance Measurement Program, which is an annual performance report presented to the 市议会. Many of the performance measures are tied directly to the community survey results. 除了, the 市议会 references the survey to identify key issues when developing strategic initiatives every other year.

The community survey is an effective tool that helps ensure we are hearing from a wide variety of voices in the community on a regular basis. We constructed the survey questions through an equity lens to stay true to our commitment of fostering an inclusive and welcoming community. 一般, we try to keep the questions the same with each survey, so we have trend data to use from year to year. This results in reliable data that informs future strategic planning and priorities. It also helps measure success in delivering services so appropriate adjustments can be made.