Letter of the Law

May-Jun 2024

Counting the Votes on Council Actions

A list of council actions and corresponding vote-counting requirements.

Jan-Feb 2024

Legal Changes Affecting Employee Compensation and Leave Time

Following the 2023 legislative session, several new laws impacting compensation and leave benefits for city employees are now in effect.

Nov-Dec 2023

Considerations and Rules for City Credit Card Use

While cities can use credit cards to make purchases and accept credit card payments from customers, there are legal considerations…

Sep-Oct 2023

How Minnesota’s Data Practices Law Relates to Cybersecurity

The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) is a state law that controls how government data are collected, 创建, 存储,…

July-August 2023

Compensating Employees on Workers’ Comp Leave

Three options to address the legal requirements and typical city practices when compensating employees on workers’ compensation leave.

May-June 2023

How to Identify and Prevent Theft by Fraudulent Instruction

Trends in Minnesota and nationwide indicate that there are an increasing number of incidents of theft by fraudulent instruction.

Mar-Apr 2023

First Amendment and Regulation of Signs

The First Amendment protects signs as speech; as a result, courts 关闭ly review attempts to regulate signs.

Jan-Feb 2023

Avoiding Pitfalls When Rehiring or Retaining Retirees

Rehiring someone who has retired can be a viable option for cities struggling with workforce shortages. There are some serious…

Nov-Dec 2022

How City 土地使用 Plans Can Be Preempted by State and Federal Laws

The Planning Act provides protections for certain uses, prohibiting cities from discriminating against them through zoning administration.